MODEL 3542
General purpose strain gage extensometers for axial tensile,
compression, and cyclic testing. Gauge lengths from 10 to 80 mm
(and 0.5 to 2 inches) and full scale measuring ranges from 5% to 100% strain.
Long gauge length extensometers with gauge lengths 100 mm (4 inches)
or greater for tensile and compression testing. These units have been specially designed
for long gauge length applications where low level strain measurements are required.
MODEL 3442
Small profile and ultra-light weight, these units are appropriate for testing small and delicate samples
yet rugged enough for daily use on standard specimens.
Ideal for strain measurement of wire specimens,
sheet materials, and standard ASTM or ISO specimen geometries.
Excellent for low and high cycle fatigue testing.
MODEL 3448 High Temp Extensometer
Designed for use with furnaces and induction heating systems,
these extensometers use Epsilon’s exclusive, self-supporting design.
A wide range of options cover most testing applications.
MODEL 3575 Transverse Extensometer
Designed for general purpose transverse or
diametral strain measurement on axially loaded specimens.
This model may be used simultaneously
with the Model 3542 axial extensometer.
Non-Contact VDO Extensometer
Breakthrough Performance • Incredibly Easy to Use • Works With Any Test Machine
Epsilon ONE high-precision optical extensometers measure
axial strain with industry-leading resolution, accuracy, and speed.
Innovative Instant Reset, Always On and Laser Alignment features
maximize performance and increase testing throughput.
SHUNT Calibrator
Designed to allow Epsilon’s extensometer calibration to be easily transferred to a customer’s electronics,
the Epsilon Shunt Calibration System is available for any strain-gaged extensometer
ASC Analogue Signal Conditioners
The SGA series signal conditioners are ideal for cyclic and high speed testing
where no display is needed. Available in single and dual channel versions,
they provide the signal conditioning electronics needed for a strain gage based extensometer.
MODEL 3590 Extensometer Calibrator
Epsilon’s standard calibrator features 0.001 mm (50 microinches) resolution
and has 50 mm (2 inches) of measuring range.
The autozero button and digital display greatly simplify calibration of extensometers.
The 3590 calibrator is useful for extensometer calibration and verification with test systems.